4 February 2018

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë | This has become my favourite classic of all time {Yomna's Review}

My rating: 5/5

Do I need to attach a synopsis? 

Here's why you should read this amazing classic!

This book was phenomenal. I completely get why it is a must read. People should be forced to read this book and forced to enjoy it. This is a forced-enjoyment read. I don't know what that means, but all I know is that if you didn't at least give this book a try you are missing out. 

To all the people who haven't read this book and think this is a girly, overrated book, YOU ARE WRONG. And that is all I will say on this. I will not (I repeat, will not) hear one word of criticism on this book. I get it, it's long, it's a whole journey, but guess what? It is so worth it! 

It's hard for me to deconstruct what I liked about this book, because there are so many things to like. However, I will try my best to be specific. 

First of all, despite it being 170 years old, (having been published in October 1847) it maintains a certain relatability and modernness. This is not necessarily in the situations, but in the characters. Maybe it's weird that we keep expecting that humanity has changed a lot over the years, but if you are of this belief and think you will struggle to relate to these earlier human beings, I assure you, you will not have any problems. The writing is just incredible in a way that makes it work for everyone. 

Second of all, there is so much humor in this book. The characters are unconventional, sarcastic, and as such, their exchanges with each other are so entertaining! (Sarcasm transcends time, it appears.) 

Third of all, there is a great romance. (I mean how could we talk about Jane Eyre without mentioning romance? Come on!) If you are a romantic that believes that time and space bend for love and so does fate and all human and supernational principles, then this is 100% for you. I think it's also a different type of romance than ones in modern literature, this one is really about time, and feelings that take time to develop but once they do, last forever. 

So that's it! Although, honestly, I could write poetry about this book! 


P.S. Hello February! 


  1. I love Jane Eyre too! Definitely need to re-read.

  2. Same, and I just read it! Honestly what an incredible read!


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