25 October 2016

Why kid books might be the best | Srishti

Books are after all emotional pieces of wood (-or electronic), that's just what they are. Reading books is after all emotional actions, that's just what it is. The thing is, they mean much more than someone might think. Especially when they start reading a book themselves.  Which, dear, starts at a very young age. Starts with kid books. 

As Astrid Lindgren once said, “A childhood without books – that would be no childhood. That would be like being shut out from the enchanted place where you can go and find the rarest kind of joy.” 

Which I completely agree with. That is also why children books are the best. They are the first books that opens the path to this wonderful feeling. Here are a couple of books that have followed me through my childhood (some also made their appearances as movies first!).

  • Harry Potter:  What is better than magic to spark the love for reading? Harry Potter is honestly a thrilling and fun book!
  • Nicholas: This book holds so much value for me. I had read and watched all of its episodes as a kid. I remember watching this with our whole class when I was in 2nd grade. The teacher that used to show it to us recently died and it holds a lot of importance to me!
  • Hansel and Gretel: Here is the thing, I never read this particular book, but this stories and all the other little bed time stories followed me to my dreams every night. 
  • Alice in Wonderland: Riddles and jokes are two of my favourite things and what books is better than this to read.  

Thank you for reading,

Remember that your childhood is never over, even as you grow, make your memories worth it!


To read more thought streaking rants are some:


  1. I grew up on books!! I'M SO GLAD I DID. It totally shaped my life. <3 And I love Roald Dahl and Alice in Wonderland. And I also adored the Lemony Snicket when I was a small human...well, haha, I enjoy his books now. ;) The best kind of book is one you never grow out of!

    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. Aww! Thanks for commenting! I loved all the books I mentioned! However Roald Dahl is one of my favourite!

      Sorry for the wait thought, it has been a busy week!


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