18 July 2018

Can't Wait Wednesday #2 | Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas

Can't Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings. You can click on the preceding link or the picture above to access the website. 

I think my pick for Can't Wait Wednesday will come as no surprise, it's Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas! The synopsis from Bloomsbury USA is here (although it contains spoilers for the previous books in the series (in particular Empire of Storms):

Aelin has risked everything to save her people-but at a tremendous cost. Locked within an iron coffin by the Queen of the Fae, Aelin must draw upon her fiery will as she endures months of torture. Aware that yielding to Maeve will doom those she loves keeps her from breaking, though her resolve begins to unravel with each passing day…

With Aelin captured, Aedion and Lysandra remain the last line of defense to protect Terrasen from utter destruction. Yet they soon realize that the many allies they've gathered to battle Erawan's hordes might not be enough to save them. Scattered across the continent and racing against time, Chaol, Manon, and Dorian are forced to forge their own paths to meet their fates. Hanging in the balance is any hope of salvation-and a better world.

And across the sea, his companions unwavering beside him, Rowan hunts to find his captured wife and queen-before she is lost to him forever.

As the threads of fate weave together at last, all must fight, if they are to have a chance at a future. Some bonds will grow even deeper, while others will be severed forever in the explosive final chapter of the Throne of Glass series.

I'm so excited about this book (and terrified)! I love the Throne of Glass series so I can't wait to see what all the waiting has culminated to! It better be long and good! 


  1. I haven't read the Throne of Glass yet, but this sounds so good.

    1. You should totally read it! I love all the books and I reccomend them to everyone! They are pretty high fantasy though!

  2. I've been meaning to start the Throne of Glass but the sheer length of the series intimidates me quite a bit. I wish I get over it quickly though, because I've heard nothing but good things. Hope the wait for this won't feel too long for you! :D

    1. Hello! Since it's the final book, the wait is quite painful! I definitely reccomend Throne of Glass! It's a fantastic read! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Oooh! I'm really excited for this book too! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. I know right? The hype is real! And apparently it's going to be 992 pages which I think is awesome! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I have heard a lot of people anxiously awaiting this book, especially the people who love this series like you do! I haven't even read book one yet. I'm feeling the bookworm shame at the moment D:

    1. OMG you MUST read it immediately! This series is honestly incredibly written and so fast-paced! I know the TBR is a constant struggle, but you should definitely make time for it eventually!


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