20 November 2016

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon {Yomna's Review}

My rating: 5/5

Thank you to Penguin Random House UK for providing a free copy of this book!

Spoiler free!

 This book was spectacular! It was soo moving and incredible. It brings out the romanticism in everyone. It was just simply magical.

This book had no trouble appealing to me, because I am a hopeless romantic. I'm not even going to deny it. I don't believe in science. I believe in love. I believe it is something that links us all together. Love transcends all dimensions and all worlds.   

This whole book happens in just one day. The whole book!!! I've never read a story like this before, but this is incredible. It must've been so hard for Nicola Yoon to bring the depth and honesty and express it so beautifully in the two main character's lives during just one day. Yet she did that, gorgeously. 

The main characters are Natasha and Daniel. Natasha is about to be deported to the country of her birth, Jamaica, and she goes out on the final day to search for a solution. Daniel is on his way to a college interview that may determine his entire life. On this day, their worlds meet, they collide, and it is absolutely beautiful. This is a story of how one person can change your whole universe in just one day. One day is 24 hours, and yet it can be significant. 

Natasha is just an eccentric character to read. She is seemingly devoid of passion. She loves science, loves how it can explain almost everything. Even love. Daniel, in contrast is a passionate romantic who writes poems. Meeting Natasha will rock his world, just as he will knock her world off its current axis.

The plot of this book is incredible. The two main characters keep being pulled together and it's so magical. The writing is vivid, and I feel that Nicola addresses many important issues. I love that the two main characters are diverse and their cultures are shown so beautifully. 

I love how Nicola Yoon presented the idea of the country of your birth not really being where you belong. Natasha does not have a Jamaican accent. She does not resonate with where she comes from deeply. The US has become her country, regardless of where her roots are. She is an undocumented immigrant, and that is why she is being deported. But no human is illegal. No human should ever be illegal. 

Furthermore, I loved this book so much! The romance was perfect and it was just great! 

Forever and always,


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