21 February 2016

Illusions of Fate (Srishti's review)

Downton Abbey meets Cassandra Clare in this lush, romantic fantasy from New York Times bestselling author Kiersten White.

“I did my best to keep you from crossing paths with this world. And I shall do my best to protect you now that you have.”
Jessamin has been an outcast since she moved from her island home of Melei to the dreary country of Albion. Everything changes when she meets Finn, a gorgeous, enigmatic young lord who introduces her to the secret world of Albion’s nobility, a world that has everything Jessamin doesn’t—power, money, status…and magic. But Finn has secrets of his own, dangerous secrets that the vicious Lord Downpike will do anything to possess. Unless Jessamin, armed only with her wits and her determination, can stop him.

Kiersten White captured readers’ hearts with her New York Times bestselling Paranormalcy trilogy and its effortless mix of magic and real-world teenage humor. She returns to that winning combination of wit, charm, and enchantment in Illusions of Fate, a sparkling and romantic new novel perfect for fans of Cassandra Clare, The Madman’s Daughter, and Libba Bray.

My rating: 4.5/5

Check more information HERE

Warning! This post was made with major fangirling. Due to unfortunate misunderstanding and gibberish the post was made clean of fangirling. If by any chance the reader wants a preview of the fangirl review here it is: 
Wow! WOW WOW! *fangirl scream* 

*Runs away and comes back* 

It was just... WOW. ADORKABLE!!! 

Uhdhjhfd fihierahihjjg rieuihriehlkjakf ugeiihgihgkhdhwvhhrhvwihgv

Thank you for your understanding here is the serious review. Take your reading glasses and sit back with a cup of tea because this is going to take a while. 

    Illusion of Fate
By Kiestern White

This book was recommended by Yomna on the surprisingly warm winter break of 2015. It was a warm night in the south of France where Christmas approached. I was probably, as I don't quite remember, tucked under a nice blanket on my phone I had to pay myself, with a mug of a hot beverage. She had talked to me about it a bit before. The story was quite intriguing and I was pleased by the ideas. It was a new idea but I had a vague memory of a similar theme. When I had finished the emotionally moving book I had immediately compared it to one of studio Ghibli's animation, Howl's Moving Castle. The animation referred above is one of my favourites of the studio. I was happy at how the book represented the movie, but a bit displeased at how the book wasn't as fresh as I thought. I cannot blame the author as the book was amazing and the movie was perfectly worded into a fabulous piece of paper. Some ideas such as the crows were not similar. But the idea of the charm in the hair, the doors opening to different places, the first encounter between the two main characters or the political war happening during the story is all present in the book or even the fact of the near disappearance/death of the protagonists lover. I, after doing my research, learned that the book was written after the animation was released. I was confused and thought of how it was so similar and it shouldn't have been a coincidence so I proceeded to look at the announcement or dedication at the end of the book, such as every novel, and was happy to read that the book was inspired by the animation.

                I then took the chance in all my glory of detective to tell Yomna to check out the movie and how similar it is, but all my hopes and dreams came crashing down when she said and I quote "I don't really like animation movies, sorry.". I was quite sad as I cannot fangirl with anyone about it. A few days later Yomna asked what movies I really liked as she was bored and had nothing to do, it is then that I had to take a moment and breath at the cruelty God make us suffer through. All thoughts were soon erased as I just finish one other book I read. When I refer to God in my post please know that I refer to the fangirl or boy God. I imagine him as a dorky adult with a studio Ghibli Totoro shirt, a Harry Potter wand in a hand while holding a book in the other. We also can see the mist coming from the the mug situated next to him on his or her little desk. On his desk there is also a pile of your favourite books and tv shows. Behind him is some fan art his angels produced for him and posters of books. He also has Polaroids picture of the characters that have unfortunately died and gone to fan heaven with him (rest in peace Augustus and others). He also has the signature of each great writers autograph that have died and have gone to heaven (rest in peace Harper Lee). This is what I refer to as God in many of my posts. (I do not want to offend any by the statements I have made above.)

            I have gone a bit off track but don't worry here is my thoughts. The book is situated in an alternate Victorian England, the twist: MAGIC. Jessamin, the main character, is currently studying in a university away from her colonised country, where her illegitimate father teaches. She suffers from racism from her classmates and even her teachers, which is very unnerving. Because of her skin colour she doesn't have any friends or lovers, to her mothers dismay and ignorance. The main character already empowers how strong she is. She already is entering my honeymoon palace – which is a special place in my hearth where all my favourite characters are placed. (And
so is Finn, but we will talk about that later). 

The book starts with a great chapter as it hooks the reader immediately. My inner Captain Hook is proud, and he isn't proud very often. The main protagonist express great wittiness from the start
which makes me want to meet her more than any other character from the book. The first encounter with Finn was charming and gentlemanly.
{ I need to take a minute to think about how I am going to talk about all I like without going past the word limit, important note to consider it is 00:19 and I am making a blog post talking about major fangirl.} Before you get more confused, Finn is the male protagonist and is the 'sub-main-character' as I like to call it. (Only the character which has its own POV (point of view) is the main show. I like to think so.) Speaking of first stuff, the ending of the first chapter was absolutely fabulous. 

“I shake my head at my nerves. Only my shadow cast by the dim gas lamp.
But for the oddest moment it looked as though I had two.” 

        The whole idea of being shadowed is absolutely remarkable and beautiful. For those who haven't read Illusion of fate shadows are very important in the book. A shadow is usually in front of you or behind you. It represents your new horizons and what you leave behind. Being shadowed means that a certain person gives their shadow, maybe unknowingly or intentionally, to their partner or 'crush', it represent that they are going to go trough their future and past connected. When shadowed you can hear and see what the other person is doing, during so you are in a sort of trance. The shadow plays in many part of the book and is the cutest. What is even more adoringly cute is the fact that Finns parents were shadowing each other too, they are the kind of better Romeo and Juliet but they didn't die by suicide but by murder. The shadow appears in many moments and is a great spark to the characters romance. (To remember: Finn is shadowing Jessamin, it is also impossible for a being without magic to do so.)

     Romance. What can I say, well the book is amazing and describe their romance very beautifully. This romance doesn't happen in a blink of an eye or 5 chapters but it comes slowly and naturally, on Jesamin's part at least. It is refreshing to have a more realistic romance when the characters have it slow and not annoyingly fast. You, unfortunately or fortunately fall in love with them as fast as I would go when I need to go release some water from my body, which is at light speed or when noddles have been served. I just can't help it. At some point you would have liked if Jessamin would have been a little bit faster at comprehending her feelings but you are still very grateful at the end. 
    My favourite part of the book was Jessamin's encounter with the 'nightmare' guy.  It was horribly frightening but it was cute when Finn's shadow appear. Mister nightmare is the worst villain out there especially with the plot twist you learn in the near end, which I won't be mentioning. He is even more hated on my part the moment he kills my favourite character, Mister Bird. Mister Bird was the most loyal, sweetest companion. He was caring and protective. His stalwart personality unfortunately brought him till his death. He will be greatly put in my hearth, even thought he was quite annoying at the beginning. What was very astonishing was when the bird was actually magical books instead of Finn; as I had thought.

        Overall, the book is one of my favourites and I wouldn't trade it for the world. It keeps you on your toes and the edge of your seat the whole time. It is definitely in my recommended list along with a few other books. I have to warn you and say that I read it in one night, YES it is one of those books.  It is not part of a series which is nice as there is no cliff hanger but it would be nice to know what happens to the characters after. Kiersten White is an amazing writer. She has a very descriptive and leading writing. It will always make you want to read more. Her first book was very successful and I would try to read it after.

Thank you for reading,
Love from your fangirl,

Make sure to check out Yomna's review. Mister Bird. 


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