10 February 2017

Our Top 5 YA Heroines!

Follow us through the misfortune of choosing only 5 of our top YA heroines! May contain spoilers!

Who runs the world? Girls! Along with a lot of other things, actually! I believe that imagination and ideas have been leaders of so many people's brains! Due to imagination and ideas heroes are created, and many aren't as great as you might think. Story people in the real world's experiences aren't at their peak sometimes and they might as well be falling apart. Books have created stories that show us anything is possible, and that we should not give up. 

I love YA for so many different reasons! One of them is for great role models and great characters! Boys and girls! However, today is focused on the girls of the YA world! So let's get right into it!

#1: Feyre Archeron, A Court of Thorns and Rose (SPOILERS): 

Feyre The Fox by Charlie-Bowater
Artist: Charlie Bowater. Check out her Deviantart!
Feyre is the main protagonist the series A Court of Thorns and Rose by Sarah J Mass. She is a High Lady of the Night Court and possesses several extraordinary powers. It is possible to that after saving her then betrothed, Tamlin, Feyre suffers from a lot of insecurities and depression. However, at the end of the second novel Feyre starts to heal and accept who she is with the help of her new friends. 

Basically, she is the best badass elf in the world! She shows how a hero is after the heroism. They are as broken as the victims. Life is after all not just the obstacle it's how you are going to face the aftermath of the obstacle. 

#2: Laia Aeita, Ember in the Ashes : 
Amazing drawing by Jay Bendt!

Laia is a very strong character. Having lost multiple family members in a world where despair reigns. I loved the fact that she didn't wallow in self-pity or wait for a guy to come around and 'save' her. She took matters into her own hands and decided to do something!

She proves to everyone out there that giving up is not an option and so is sitting around moping. She is an amazing role model for everyone reading the book.

And I loved that! I hope to see more of her in the next books! 

#3: America Schreave (Singer), The Selection: 

Belongs to this @punziella!
America Schreave is the main character in the Selection series. She comes from a poor family, with nothing to really do. She lives in a controlling, appearing to be a dystopian land. 

America is snarky, funny, pretty, hungry at most times, intelligent, brave and so much more. The tart lover proves that you can be feminine and a complete badass. She has character and fun most female characters lack in books. Book after book you see her mature into the person she now is, and that is truly beautiful. 

#4: Kestrel Trajan, Winners Curse trilogy (SPOILERS): 

This pic is from aaronwarners
Kestrel Trajan is a truly fantastic character! She is cunning and witty. I love the way she thinks, the way everything seems to fall right into place in the end mostly because of her. She is the perfect epitome of grace, she seems to be taking everyone by surprise. 

Kestrel is mainly a strategist that looks out for everyone, she is portrayed fascinatingly by the author. If you want to read a story that would enchant you, kill you and bring you back to life, Kestrel's story is what you should be following.

#5: Mare Barrow, Red Queen (SPOILERS): 

This amazing art belongs to kingmavens!
Mare Barrow is a girl that literally started form the bottom and moved her way up. From being a nobody to a magnificent ruler. She fights for what she thinks is right and never gives up. She is an electrifying (pun intended) character that keeps on the edge of our seats. 

The third book of the series is soon coming out. I am very happy and wish to get my hands on it as soon as possible! 

Hellooooo! This is my list of my top 5 YA heroines! 

When you look at this list, you'll notice that all of my choices on this list happen to be female. This is not a result of sexism in effect (at least not on my part), because the truth is, YA is a very female-dominated genre. There is plenty proof to support this. Check out Goodread's list of YA Novels of 2015, where the top 5 books on the list all have female leads. Same goes for Goodread's list of YA Novels of 2016. (These lists are subject to change)

Of course, Goodreads is not reflective of the whole YA community, so you can check out Seventeen's list of YA Books to Read in 2015, where the top 3 on the list are all female-lead. There are plenty of other lists you can check out too!

My opinion on this? I think it is fantastic that YA is so full of female empowerment. Especially since the books where the characters below are from are also full of fantastic, brave, and capable male characters (e.g. Peeta, Finnick and Gale from The Hunger Games, Rhysand and Cassian from A Court of Mist and Fury). 

I love YA, and feel it is has a large set of diverse and different characters.

Also, I would just like to highlight how freaking (trying not to swear) much I love these characters. For me, they represent empowerment, they represent the whole spectrum of good human qualities. These books, these characters, they get me, down to the depths of my soul. 

No Spoilers!

#1: Katniss Everdeen 

The Hunger Games - both the books and movies - are my absolute favorite thing in the world. I've watched and read every book and movie at least ten times (no exaggeration). So naturally, I had no trouble when going to pick my favorite YA heroine of all time. 

I love Katniss Everdeen. From the first time I closed my copy of Mockingjay after reading her last words, I was absolutely in love with her character. She is courageous, compassionate, spunky, and all around fabulous. Her character is genius, and I absolutely can't count the number of times I've cried and laughed with her. 

#2: Celaena Sardothien

By Charlie Bowater
Celaena Sardothien is the main protagonist of the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas. 

When thinking of words to use to describe Celaena, several come up. This woman is badass, sassy, and undeniably ruthless. She's fierce (in other words, crazy) about protecting the ones she loves and a character designed to endure the unendurable. The kind of character you throw into impossible situations and expect to survive. Not only does her list of physical skills seemingly not have an end, she's also got a talent for sass, and has an endless tolerance for suffering. 

Underneath her merciless surface is a loving and loyal character humming with strength. On all fronts, she is a character to admire.  

I love her because she's so strong. She goes through the unimaginable and still comes out with a clean conscience. She's also a very selfless character, and throws herself again and again into dangerous situations for her loved ones.

#3: Cassiopeia (Cassie) Sullivan

Cassie Sullivan is the protagonist in The 5th Wave series by Rick Yancey. I absolutely loved this series and would recommend it to everyone.

Cassie is incredible because at first glance, she's normal. However, underneath that face is a very fierce and worthwhile character. Cassie's narration in The 5th Wave and the journey she goes through is just heartbreaking and deeply touching. 

I love Cassie because she's a very meaningful character and represents all my thoughts on humanity and the price of human life. The revelations she has in The 5th Wave are staggeringly shocking and yet so revealing of how Cassie's character stays in touch with her humanity and her compassion throughout the story.

For those of you who've watched The 5th Wave movie and not read the book: it's not enough. The movie does not do Cassie justice at all. My advice to you is to go read the book. It's incredible.

#4: Feyre Archeron

By Bloodydammit

Feyre Archeron is the main protagonist in the A Court of Thorns series by Sarah J Maas! 

Yes, another Sarah J Maas main character. Sorry! I could not resist. The fact is, Sarah J Maas writes excellent characters. 

Feyre is badass for very specific reason. In the beginning, unlike Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass, her only physical skills are some archery. However, as the series goes on, she becomes more and more powerful. She goes through a lot of mental and physical trauma to get where she is now. Feyre is one to truly admire. She's humble, she's wild, and absolutely gorgeous. 

Every time I think about Feyre, I can't comprehend how brave and strong she is. She's proved herself again and again and yet through it all she remain modest, kind, and generous. 

I seriously cannot wait to see what Feyre will be up to in the next book! 

#5 Kestrel Trajan

When I read the Winner's Curse, I rated it 4/5. I loved it, but it just didn't reach that book high I was looking for. The Winner's Kiss, however was fantastic. A solid 5/5 read. And one of the top reasons was how great Kestrel was in the book. 

Kestrel is a ruthless, clever, and cunning character. She's got incredible depth and while I was reading the book, I felt like I was being fascinated and shocked by her at every turn. She's such a dynamic character, and I would truly read a million books all about her life. 

For me, Kestrel represents femininity and fierceness, in a way that I think she pulls off perfectly. On the covers of the series, she looks very feminine, with huge gorgeous dresses, and yet she is still skilled, a strategist, and interesting. I think there has been a huge misconception about female characters that they can't be fierce and still like dresses but I think they totally can. Balance is possible. All women are different.

In conclusion...
These books understand me. They touch the deepest parts of my being, and they resonate with me greatly. Fictional characters are truly the best of friends to have. 

I have reviews for all these books, make sure to check them out:
The Hunger Games
The Assassin's Blade, Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight, Heir of Fire, Queen of Shadows, and Empire of Storms
The Last Star (The 5th Wave book 3) 
A Court of Thorns and Roses and A Court of Mist and Fury
The Winner's Curse and The Winner's Crime, and The Winner's Kiss

Who are your favorite YA heroines? Why do you like them? Do you like any of the same as ours?


  1. DANG, This is such a good list. My Fav right now is probably Laia, (Only because I'm currently reading ATITN). My second favorite is Calena, she's so interesting and's a SUPER good fighter. Good post! Have a great February!

    1. Hey Jared!
      Thanks so much for commenting! I love Laia! Unfortunately she wasn't on my list because when you have to pick, it's guaranteed you'll undermine your love for a certain character. I read A Torch Against the Night a while ago and loved it!
      OMG I love Celaena! She's amazing! Totally agree she's a great fighter.
      - Yomna


Tell us all your thoughts!


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