23 June 2018

My Ambitious Summer TBR | It's going to be an eventful summer! {Yomna's Post}

It's summer! For me, that means READING! And also summer homework and packing but most importantly, books! My TBR is packed full of exciting reads this summer and I can't wait! To share my excitement, I'm posting some of the reads on my TBR (TBR stands for to be read for those of you unfamiliar with the term). 

Title: Emma
Author: Jane Austen 
Reason for excitement: Everyone needs at least one classic over the summer! After enjoying Pride and Prejudice, I'm aching for another Jane Austen read!

Title: Smoke in the Sun
Author: Renee Ahdieh
Reason for excitement: I loved Flame in the Mist, and so far I've seen stellar reviews for this one, so there's no reason not to be excited really!

Title: Children of Blood and Bone
Author: Tomi Adeyemi
Reason for excitement: A diverse high fantasy that's already an upcoming movie? Sign me up! 


Author: Marissa Meyer
Reason for excitement: So many of my friends and even the librarian at my school has been recommending this book. I want to know what the hype is about!

Title: The Awakening
Author: Kate Chopin
Reason for excitement: I'm actually reading this book for my English class but the plot seems really interesting so I'm nevertheless excited!

All the Crooked Saints

Author: Maggie Stiefvater 
Reason for excitement: This is another recommendation from the librarian at my school! I read the plot and it just seemed so magical and fun so I can't wait!

Finally, shoutout to my current read, Star-Touched Stories by Roshani Chokshi, which I am LOVING! It's been a pleasure so far! 

Do you have any recommendations? What's on your summer TBR? 



  1. CHILDREN OF BLOOD AND BONE!!!!! Read it when it was released and it's such a rich world - I really liked it and I hope you do.
    For me, Cinder was a one-time read but it had enough of an intrigue to lead me to buy the remainder of the series - the third one is my fav!

    1. Thanks, that's such a comfort to hear I honestly CANNOT wait! They're both such exciting and hyped up books!


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